Carel G. Eijkenaar

- Position:
- Advisory Board Member
FEI Dressage Trainer / Instructor FNRS
FEI International Dressage Judge
Member of the International Dressage Trainer’s Club
Cell: 5856157584
Carel G. Eijkenaar-C.V.
*Born – Holland, 20.6.46.
*Graduated Highschool-1962.
*Graduated as a qualified and certified riding instructor, trainer, manager and coach on international level 4(four)- Holland, 1966.
*Has an international Trainers passport level 3(three).
Manager of the stables of the Dutch Cavalierly as officer-1966-1968.
Assistant trainer in the stables of Mr. G. Teodurescu in Germany-1968-1974.
Freelance trainer for the Dutch dressage Federation and manager of the stables of
Mr. J. Swaab and Ms. Nina Swaab Stumpe, members of the Dutch and Swedish Olympic team, in Holland-1974-1976.
Owner and manager of a riding school and of a Dressage training center-1976-1990.
Member of honor, for life, of the Israeli Equestrian Federation – 1985-today.
Immigrated to Israel-1990.
Freelance Dressage trainer- in Israel (since 1990); Cyprus (since 1994); Greece (since 1995) where three of my students have been chosen and qualified for the Greek Olympic team in Jumping.
Listed FEI Dressage trainer for the FEI developing program.
Founder and in charge of the Dressage department in the national courses, for assistant riding instructors and riding instructors and trainers on international level 2(two)- 1990-2008.
Up to 2003, I have trained more than 500 people in Israel only.
Founder, manager and instructor of the trainer course on international level 3(three) for Israeli riding instructors and trainers- as part of the training system in the Dutch Equestrian center in Deurne.
Member of the world wide 100 selected members- international Dressage Trainers club-1996-today.
Member of the international Dressage Judges club-1997- today.
Was Qualified and listed by the FEI as an International Dressage Judge – F.E.I., with international judging experience, on official FEI competitions, as well as being a technical delegate for the FEI on international competitions..
Trainer of riders and horses on international level Dressage – 1974-today.
Competitor on international level Dressage – 1974-1990.
Active Trainer and Coach for competitive American riders and coaches and trainers- up to and including Grand Prix level- mainly in the east coast of the USA.
Adviser - on all angles of running Equestrian centers –including business, professional and HR issues.
Active lecturer and coach on facebook, and teaches online around the world.
Languages- Dutch, English and German.
Married and father of three children.